[Forum SIS] Multilevel regression models - Short course Cassino by Bonne Zijlstra University of Amsterdam

Giovanni Porzio porzio a eco.unicas.it
Dom 7 Feb 2010 17:56:43 CET


SHORT COURSE  February 22 - February 25  2010

"Multilevel regression modeling: an introduction"

Bonne Zijlstra
Department of Education
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Course Scheduling
lecture 1: Introduction to multilevel modeling
Monday 22,  14:30-17:00 Computer Lab, Room 1.12

lecture 2: The random intercept model
Tuesday 23,  14:30-17:00 Computer Lab, Room 1.12

lecture 3: The hierarchical linear model
Wednesday 24, 12:00-14:00 Computer Lab, Room 1.12

lecture 4: Testing and model specification
Thursday  25, 10:00-12:00 Computer Lab, Room 1.12

SEMINAR: P2: a random effects model for dichotomous network data.
Wednesday 24, 16:00-17:00 Room 9.01

Facolta' di Economia
Via S.Angelo - Località Folcara, 03043 Cassino

Very often data gathered in observational and experimental research  
are hierarchically structured, as employees may share the same work  
environment, students the
same classroom, patients the same doctor, etc. Ignoring this  
hierarchical structure will frequently result in drawing the wrong  
conclusions about the data. Multilevel
modeling offers a way of overcoming the difficulties in dealing with  
these data and additionally allows researchers to answer very  
interesting questions regarding the
relation between the hierarchical levels of observation.

This course will offer an introduction to multilevel modeling. It will  
address the issues associated with hierarchically structured data and  
introduce the hierarchical linear regression model.

Model specification and interpretation will be discussed as well as  
how to estimate these models using R.
The reference textbook for this course will be "Multilevel analysis:  
an introduction to basic and advanced multilevel modeling" by Snijders  
and Bosker.

The lecture on Wednesday afternoon will be a seminar discussing how  
the multilevel model can be applied to social network data, where the  
data indicate relations between multiple actors.


Giovanni C. Porzio
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche
Università degli Studi di Cassino
Via S. Angelo - Localita' Folcara
03043 Cassino (FR) - Italia
tel: +39.0776.2993448


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