[Forum SIS] Seminar: Fabrizia Mealli on Thursday 25JUNE2009 at 4:30pm (DEC Bocconi)

Marco Bonetti marco.bonetti a unibocconi.it
Dom 21 Giu 2009 17:20:46 CEST


On THURSDAY, June 25th 2009 at 4:30pm (ROOM TBD) of Bocconi University

                                             Fabrizia Mealli
                         Department of Statistics "G. Parenti"
                              Università degli Studi di Firenze

will hold the seminar:

"Evaluating the effect of training on wages in the presence of  
and missing outcome data"


The effects of a training program on employment and wages are
evaluated, using data from a randomized study, the National Job Corps
Study, and the principal stratification approach to simultaneously  
the complications of noncompliance, truncation of wages by  
and missing outcomes. We conduct a likelihood-based analysis, proposing
different ways of improving computational efficiency and identifiability
using the theory of finite mixture models and exploiting the EM  
We maintain an IV exclusion restriction assumption on the outcomes,  
monotonicity of compliance holds by design. We provide estimates with  
without assuming monotonicity of the truncation of wages, under the  
at Random assumption of outcome missingness. For compliers, results show
that the effect on employment is generally positive; however, there is a
subgroup of complying participants for whom the program is
detrimental on employment in the short term, although this effect  
negligible in the long term.  For the subgroup of always-employed
compliers, that is, those  who would be employed whether trained or  
not, the
effect of the training on wages is generally positive.

Joint work with P. Frumento, B. Pacini, and D.B. Rubin.

You are warmly invited to participate.


Marco Bonetti

Marco Bonetti
Department of Decision Sciences
Bocconi University
Via Guglielmo Roentgen 1
20136 Milan, Italy
Tel +39 02 58365670
Fax +39 02 58365634

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