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Seminario SEFeMEQ

                  AVVISO DI SEMINARIO

Lunedì 3 Aprile alle ore 15:00, presso il
Dipartimento di Studi Economici, Finanziari e Metodi Quantitativi
dell'Università di Roma "Tor Vergata",
il Dottor

Juri Marcucci
Department of Economics, University of California, San Diego and
Bank of Italy

terra' il seminario

Are common factors useful in forecasting
international stock market realized variances?

In this paper we compare standard univariate models and multivariate factor
models in terms of their ability to forecast the realized variances of a group
of major international stock exchanges. We also try to assess to which extent
the use of common pure variance factors helps in forecasting the univariate
volatilities of each single stock market. Our results show that those models
adopting equally weighted regional factors tend to outperform. In addition,
models that use variance factors obtained from the canonical variates tend to
outperform all the others that utilize different 
multivariate techniques confirming
the predicting power of canonical correlation analysis.

Il seminario si terrà nell'aula a scacchi
sita al primo piano dell'edificio B della Facoltà di Economia,
via Columbia 2, 00133 - Roma

Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.

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