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KNEMO'06 Conference: Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission Deadline: MARCH 24th, 2006

International Workshop on Knowledge Extraction and Modeling (KNEMO'06)
September 4th-6th, 2006
Island of Capri (Italy)

organised by:
Department of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of Naples ^ÓFederico
II^Ô Italy

and jointly sponsored by:
IASC (International Association for Statistical Computing)
INTERFACE (Interface between Statistics and Computing)
IFCS (International Federation of Classification Societies)

The objective of the Workshop (a satellite event of COMPSTAT 2006 Conference in
Rome, w3.uniroma1.it/compstat2006/) is to give an overview on the theme of
"Knowledge Extraction & Modeling" with up-to-date lectures showing the
state-of-art but also the most recent advances and future challenges. The
Workshop is meant to address the analysis of "complex systems" where the
difficulty of analysis is not only the availability of huge masses of data but
also the complex structure of relationships.

The structure of the Workshop foresees both key-note lectures and contributed
papers on the theme of interest from different points of view (data analysis,
machine learning, statistical modeling, data mining etc.). The Workshop is open
to scientists who do not necessarily come from the field of Statistics (e.g.
computer science, machine learning, bioinformatics, etc. with a background
related also to application fields).

Prospective authors are invited to submit an extended abstract (2 pages) of
their paper to Prof. Vincenzo Esposito Vinzi no later than March 24th, 2006.
The contents of the abstract should clearly contain the following information
about the paper:

- Relationship with literature
- Original contributions with main formulas
- Methodological, computational and/or application relevance
- Main references

For more information:

Prof. Vincenzo Esposito Vinzi
Dipartimento di Matematica e Statistica
Facoltà di Economia
Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II"
Via Cintia, 26 - Complesso Monte Sant'Angelo
80126 Napoli - Italy
e-mail: vincenzo.espositovinzi@unina.it
Web: www.knemo.unina.it

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