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Seminari Vladik Kreinovich a Roma

                                                     AVVISO SEMINARI

Il prof. Vladik Kreinovich (Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at El Paso, USA)

terra' due seminari presso il Dipartimento ME.MO.MAT. (Metodi e Modelli Matematici) dell'Universita' "La Sapienza", Via Scarpa 16, Roma, con il seguente calendario

MERCOLEDI 15 MARZO, ore 12 (aula 1B1, Pal.B)

Data Processing Under Imprecise Probabilistic Uncertainty: Computational Challenges

ABSTRACT - Given a data processing algorithm y=f(x_1,..,x_n),  we have partial information about the probability of different values of x_1,...,x_n, and we want to estimate uncertainty of y. Since it is NP-hard even for interval uncertainty and quadratic f, we need to find classes of problems for which efficient algorithms are possible; and for problems outside these classes, find efficient techniques for approximating uncertainty of y. We discuss also the general approach based on interval-type step-by-step techniques and some relevant open problems.


MERCOLEDI 15 MARZO, ore 14:30 (aula 2E, Pal.E)

Application-Motivated Combinations of Fuzzy, Interval, and Probability Approaches, with Application to Geoinformatics, Bioinformatics, and Engineering

ABSTRACT - Most data processing techniques traditionally used in scientific and engineering practice are statistical. These techniques are based on the assumption that we know the probability distributions of measurement errors etc. In practice, often, the only information that we have about the actual (unknown) value x of the measured quantity is hat x belongs to the interval [X-D,X+D]. Often, in addition to (or instead of) the guaranteed upper bound on the measurement error, we have expert estimates formulated in terms of natural language, like "the value of x is small" (to adequately describe such linguistic uncertainty, Professor Zadeh invented the ideas of fuzzy sets, fuzzy logics, and fuzzy data processing techniques). In many practical problems, we have a combination of different types of uncertainty, such as interval, fuzzy, and combined. The purpose of this talk is to describe the theoretical background for interval and combined techniques, to describe the existing practical applications, and ideally, to come up with a roadmap for such techniques. We extend interval techniques to the situations when, in addition to intervals, we also have a partial probabilistic and/or fuzzy information. We give a brief overview of these techniques, and we emphasize the following three application areas: computer engineering, bioinformatics, and geoinformatics.

Gli interessati sono cordialmente invitati a partecipare

Romano Scozzafava
Dipartimento Metodi e Modelli Matematici
Universita' "La Sapienza"
Via Scarpa 16 - 00161 ROMA (Italy)
Tel. +39 06 49766645
Fax +39 06 4957647
e-mail: romscozz@dmmm.uniroma1.it