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The analysis of change, Newton's Law of Gravity, and Association models - Seminario Cassino



"The analysis of change, Newton's Law of Gravity, and Association models"

Mark de Rooij
Department of Psychology
Leiden University, The Netherlands

Giovedì' 12 gennaio 2006, ore 14:30, Aula 9.01 
Facolta' di Economia
Via S.Angelo - Località Folcara, 03043 Cassino

Newton's law of gravity states that the force between two objects
in the universe is equal to the product of the masses of the two
objects divided by the square of the distance between the two
objects. It will be shown that this law is very well applicable to
the analysis of social change where the number of people changing
their behavior/choice from one category to another is a measure of
force and the goal is to obtain estimates of mass for the two
categories and an estimate of the distance between them. In order
to provide a better description of the data dynamic masses and
dynamic positions will be introduced. It will be shown that this
generalized law of gravity is equivalent to Goodman's
RC(M)-association model.
In the latter part of this paper the model will be generalized to
two kinds of three-way data: The first case is when there are
multiple two-way tables and in the second case we have change over
three points of time. Conditional and partial association models
will be related to three-way distance models, like the INDSCAL
model, and triadic distance models, respectively.


Giovanni C. Porzio
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche
Università degli Studi di Cassino
Via S. Angelo - Localita' Folcara  
03043 Cassino (FR) - Italia
tel: +39.0776.2993448


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