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SBN workshop announcement

Dear colleagues,
We would like to call your attention to the workshop "Statistics for
Biological Networks", which will take place from the 16th to the 18th
of January 2006 at EURANDOM in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Detailed
information on the list of invited speakers and on logistics may be 
found at the workshop website:
The main topics of the workshop are:
 * Gene Regulatory Networks,
 * Statistical Analysis of Neuronal Data,
 * Graphical Models and Bayesian Networks.
The deadline for applications to participate as a contributed speaker
or as a poster presenter is December 1st, 2005. Although we primarily
expect contributions focussed on the three main topics of the
workshop, we will also consider applications more loosely connected 
with these main themes.
Looking forward to meeting you in Eindhoven!
Best regards
                The organising committee: Mathisca de Gunst
                                          Richard Gill
                                          Chris Klaassen
                                          Nadia Lalam
                                          Fabio Rigat

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