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"REASONing under PARtial Knowledge"
Foligno (Perugia), ITALY
Starting 9th December 2005

We announce the School REASON PARK, that this year will focus on "Fuzzy Theory".

See the web site


The scope of the School is to provide Ph.D. students and, in general, young
researchers with a basic training in some different topics which play an
important role in "Reasoning under Partial Knowledge" and their application
in various fields, including Computer Science, Economics, Engineering,
Medicine, Biology.

Regarding the level of the courses, the first lecture of each
course will provide a tutorial and simple introduction to the field, while
the remaining part should provide a complete and updated information. In
this way, all the courses should be easily accessible also to an audience
that has not been previously acquainted with the subject.

More details can be found on the web site, where you will find (in the next
future) also lectures' schedule.

The Organizing Committee
G.Coletti, A.Di Nola, P.Mingarelli, R.Scozzafava, S.Termini

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