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L.J. Savage Award:premio internazionale per tesi di dottorato

Cari colleghi,
sperando di fare cosa gradita vi giro l'annuncio del prossimo L.J. Savage Award  che premia due tesi di dottorato che sviluppano temi di metodologia e applicazioni Bayesiane. La scadenza e' il 30 settembre.
Auguro a tutti una buona estate,
antonietta mira
Announcement: Leonard J. Savage Dissertation Awards 2005

The International Society for Bayesian Analysis
<http://www.bayesian.org> (ISBA) is pleased to announce two L. J. Savage
Awards <http://www.bayesian.org/awards/Savage.html> of $750 each for
2005 in the following areas:

    Theory and Methods:  for a dissertation that makes important
original contributions to the foundations, theoretical developments,
and/or general methodology of Bayesian analysis.

    Applied Methodology: for a dissertation that makes outstanding
contributions with novel Bayesian analysis of a substantive problem that
has potential to impact statistical practice in a field of application.

The Savage Awards are co-sponsored by the International Society for
Bayesian Analysis, the American Statistical Association Section on
Bayesian Statistical Science (SBSS), the Trustees of the L. J. Savage
Memorial Fund, and NBER/NSF Seminars on Bayesian Inference in Econometrics.

A dissertation may be nominated by the author, by the advisor or other
reader, by the department chair or professor, or by any ISBA member. A
dissertation may be nominated for only a single award year. Nomination
is made by submission of the dissertation and a letter that describes
the main theoretical, methodological, and/or applied contributions of
the thesis and specifies that the thesis is being nominated for either
the Theory and Methods award or the Applied Methodology award.

The nomination letter and thesis should be sent as e-mail attachments
to: Merlise Clyde, clyde@stat.duke.edu.

The files containing the nomination letter should use the following format:

    "nominatorname_candidatename.pdf" (or ps);

and the actual thesis should use the format:

    "candidatename_tm.pdf" (or ps)  (for the Theory Methods Award)

    "candidatename_am.pdf" (or ps) (for the Application Methodology Award).

Hard copy submission will be accepted only under exceptional
circumstances. In this instance, please send two hard copies of the
dissertation to: Merlise Clyde, Institute of Statistics & Decision
Sciences, Box 90251; Duke University; Durham, NC 27708-0251 USA.

Deadline for receiving nominations for the 2005 Savage Awards is
September 30, 2005.

The theses will be evaluated by the Savage Thesis Evaluation Committee.
A pool of these will be selected from the submissions and individuals
selected will be invited to give presentations based on their
dissertations in the ISBA organized Savage Award Session at the
Valencia/ISBA Eighth World Meeting on Bayesian Statistics
<http://www.isds.duke.edu/research/conferences/valencia/>, in Benidorm
(Alicante, Spain) June 1st-7, 2006.  Winners will be selected from
this pool and announced at the Valencia/ISBA World Meeting.