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Announcing Valencia 8, June 2006

To SIS members
(apologies for cross posting)

Please find below the first announcement of Valencia 8.
This information is also at the conference web site,
and will be periodically updated.
Major updated will be announced through this list.

All the best,

Jose M. Bernardo


Valencia / ISBA Eighth World Meeting on Bayesian Statistics
Benidorm (Alicante, Spain), June 1st - 7th, 2006

Co-sponsored by the University of Valencia and the International
Society for Bayesian Analysis,
the 8th Valencia International Meeting on Bayesian Statistics and the
2006 World Meeting of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis
will be jointly held in Benidorm (Alicante, Spain) from Friday June 2nd
to Tuesday June 6th, both inclusive.

Programme Committee
Susie Bayarri (Universitat de València, Spain) susie.bayarri@uv.es
James O. Berger (Duke University, USA) berger@stat.duke.edu
José M. Bernardo (Universitat de València, Spain) jose.m.bernardo@uv.es
A. Philip Dawid (University College London, UK) dawid@stats.ucl.ac.uk
David Heckerman (Microsoft Research, USA) heckerma@microsoft.com
Adrian F. M. Smith (Queen Mary, University of London, UK) afms@qmw.ac.uk
Mike West (Duke University, USA) mw@stat.duke.edu

Local Organizer
José M. Bernardo (Universitat de València, Spain) jose.m.bernardo@uv.es

Delegates are expected to arrive on the evening of Thursday June 1st
(the opening lecture will be early in the morning of June 2nd) and
depart on the morning of Wednesday, June 7th (the gala dinner will be
on the evening of June 6th).
As in previous occasions, this will be a residential conference in a
coastal resort. On this occasion the venue is Gran Hotel Bali (see picture attached),
a four star hotel with an appropriate purpose built large auditorium, built in the south end of Benidorm (50 km north from Alicante and 140 km south
from Valencia).
The closest airport is Alicante (ALC), well connected to Madrid,
Barcelona and many European cities, by both conventional and low-cost
Given the timing of the conference early flight bookings are strongly

JPEG image

Scientific Programme
The scientific programme will include
(i) a set of 20 plenary thirty minute talks, followed by a discussion
initiated by an invited discussant, which is being organized by the
Valencia meeting scientific committee and will take place in the
(ii) a set plenary invited talks organized by ISBA will take place in
the afternoons, and
(iii) a set of plenary poster sessions which will take place in the
The language of the conference will be English.

The Conference will be preceded by a one-day set of tutorials, intended
to provide a short review of the main ideas in Bayesian Statistics.
The tutorials will be delivered by members of the programme committee
and will take place through Thursday June 1st. Those planning to attend
the tutorials should arrive to the conference venue on the evening
Wednesday, May 31st.

Authors of both invited and contributed papers will be asked to submit
their final versions by May 1st, 2006 in a purpose built LateX style
which will be posted at the conference website. These proceedings will
be printed in pdf format in a CD-ROM, which will be distributed a t the
Post-conference publication plans will later be announced.
All contributed papers selected for the published proceedings will
automatically be considered for the the Lindley Prize, awarded for
innovative research in Bayesian statistics: see

The registration fee (which will include the farewell dinner) will be
225/100 Eur (about 290/130 US$) for delegates/accompanying persons.
The accommodation fee for the full period, (6 nights) with breakfast
and dinner (including beer or wine), but not lunch, will be 650/450 Eur
(about 840/580 US$) on single/double occupancy basis. The cost of the
use of the auditorium and that of the required electronic and internet
facilities has been distributed in fees quoted above. Registration forms will
eventually be posted at the conference website.

The organizing committee is submitting grant proposals for travel
support to junior researchers and colleagues from developing countries.
Applications forms for financial support will be posted at the
conference website.

Valencia Mailing List
If you are in the Valencia Mailing List, you should have already received this message.
If you have not, and you may be interested in attending Valencia 8, or if you just want to be included in the conference mailing list, please send to the conference office valenciameeting@uv.es the following information:

Family Name:
Given Name:
Postal address:
Preferred e-Mail address:
Personal web page:
Institutional web page:
Area(s) of interest within Bayesian Statistics:

Prof. Dr. Jose M. Bernardo
Dept. Estadistica, Fac Matematicas
46100-Burjassot, Valencia, Spain
Tel and Fax +34.96.3643560 (direct)
Tel +34.96.3643087, Fax +34.96.3643258 (office)
www.uv.es/~bernardo <jose.m.bernardo@uv.es>