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PLS'05 Conference in Barcelona - Call for Contributions

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Dear Colleagues,

We are very pleased to announce the:
^Ó4th International Symposium on PLS and Related Methods (PLS'05)^Ô

The Web site of the Conference, with forms for registering and reserving the
hotel and information about the social events, is now available at the
following address: 


The Conference will take place on Barcelona from September 7th to 9th, 2005.

The Department of Statistics and the Laboratory of Informatics Faculty of the
Technological University of Catalonia (UPC) are taking care of the organisation
in co-operation with HEC School of Management (Jouy-en-Josas, France) and the
Department of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of Naples ^ÓFederico

The Conference runs with the scientific sponsorship of IFCS (International
Federation of Classification Societies), IDESCAT (Catalan Statistical Office),
DECISIA (Paris, France), CMB (Barcelona Club of Marketing) and BEMI (Barcelona
Marketing Institute). 

The Symposium is addressed to people who are interested in either the
methodological aspects or the application potentialities of the PLS methods.
Therefore, it is very suitable for actual and potential users such as managers,
researchers and decision-makers working in the most different fields:
management, economics, marketing, consumer behaviour, sensory analysis,
psychology, advertising, pharmaceutical laboratories, food and chemical
industry and information systems.

Please notice that the deadline for submitting an abstract is April 11th, 2005.

We have concluded an agreement with ^ÓComputational Statistics^Ô to publish a
special number with the best papers of the Symposium according the objectives
of the journal. 

We would be very grateful if you could spread this Announcement among your
colleagues and all those people who may be interested in participating and
submitting contributed papers.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information.

We hope the Conference matches your scientific interests and look forward to
seeing you in Barcelona!


Tomàs Aluja
Co-chairman of PLS'05
on behalf of the Steering and Organising Committees

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