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Workshop BISP4: Bayesian Inference in Stochastic Processes

			    Fourth Workshop on


		   Villa Monastero, Varenna (LC), Italy

			    June 2-4, 2005

        WEB PAGE: http://www.mi.imati.cnr.it/conferences/bisp4.html

                              CALL FOR PAPERS

People interested in presenting a paper are kindly invited to send an
abstract by January 15, 2005 to

                  Fabrizio Ruggeri <bisp4@mi.imati.cnr.it>


The workshop follows the ones held in Madrid in 1998, in Varenna in
2001 and in La Manga in 2003 and is aimed to encourage discussion and
promote further research in the field of Bayesian inference in
stochastic processes and on the use of stochastic processes for
Bayesian inference. 


The workshop, organised by CNR - IMATI and Universidad de Murcia, is 
endorsed by ISBA (International Society for Bayesian Analysis) and SIS 
(Italian Statistical Society).



Pier Luigi Conti 
Alan Gelfand 
Simon Godsill 
Aparna Huzurbazar 
Mathieu Kessler 
Hedibert Lopes 
Ramses Mena 
Philip O'Neill 
Jesus Palomo 
Sara Pasquali 
Havard Rue 
Pilar Sanmartin 
Alexandra Schmidt 
David Stephens 
Jonhatan Stroud 
Mike West 
Darren Wilkinson 



Juan Antonio Cano 
Peter Guttorp 
David Higdon 
Sonia Petrone 
Antonio Pievatolo 
David Rios Insua 
Gareth Roberts 
Fabrizio Ruggeri, Chair 
Bruno Sansò 
Michael Wiper 



Antonella Bodini 
Gabriella Bonfanti 
Antonio Pievatolo, Chair 



January 15, 2005: Abstract submission
January 31, 2005: Acceptance notification 
March, 31, 2005: Registration of contributed speakers
April, 30, 2005: Registration deadline



- Registration is limited to 80 participants.
- Advance hotel booking is strongly recommended. A number of rooms
  has been reserved. Different hotels have different confirmation
  deadlines: see the conference web page for details.
- All the information on the speakers, the venue, the registration
  fees and the hotel room rates can be found on the conference web


For inquiries please contact bisp4@mi.imati.cnr.it

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