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2 seminari del prof. Stephen Walker

                          avviso di seminario # 1

relatore:               Prof. STEPHEN WALKER
                            University of Bath

titolo:                  "Bayesian consistency"

luogo:                            Sala #34
                                   IV piano
     Dipartimento di statistica, Probabilità e Statistiche Applicate
                            Università "La Sapienza"
                         Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 - (00185)

data e ora:         Martedi' 21 Settembre 2004, ore 11:00

abstract:   This talk will be about the problem of studying
the posterior distribution when the true density function generating
observations is assumed to be fixed. In particular, the talk will
look at conditions on the prior sufficient for the posterior to
accumulate in suitable neighbourhoods of the true density

            tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare

                          avviso di seminario # 2

relatore:               Prof. STEPHEN WALKER
                            University of Bath

titolo:                  "Bayesian model choice"

luogo:                            Sala #34
                                   IV piano
     Dipartimento di statistica, Probabilità e Statistiche Applicate
                            Università "La Sapienza"
                         Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 - (00185)

data e ora:        Mercoledi' 22 Settembre 2004, ore 11:00

abstract:   This talk is concerned with the problem
associated with Bayesian model choice when the experimenter has,
through the prior itself, already asserted the Bayesian model
to be correct. This contradiction has not received much publicity
yet is becoming seen as a serious problem by researchers such as
Draper and Lindsey.

            tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare

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