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seminario presso l'IMATI-Milano

Il giorno 30 giugno 2004, alle h 14.30, si terra' presso il CNR-IMATI, 
sezione di Milano, Via Bassini, 15, Milano, in aula convegni (piano terra), 
il seminario


                            ANDREA ONGARO 
	              Dipartimento di Statistica 
	       Università degli studi di Milano-Bicocca


In this talk the properties of a general class of
discrete random probability measures to be used in
nonparametric Bayesian inference are investigated.
Such a class is characterised by the exchangeability
of the distribution of the weights associated to
the random i.i.d. locations forming the support of the 
In particular, formulas for the posterior and predictive
distributions as well as for the probabilities of various
configurations of ties among the observations from the class 
are provided.
Potential of the class is illustrated via
some examples of relevance in a hierarchical Bayesian
setting for the analysis of clustering of items.

Alessandra Guglielmi             e-mail: alessan@mi.imati.cnr.it
CNR-IMATI                        tel.  : ++39.02.23699529 
via Bassini, 15                  fax   : ++39.02.23699538 
20133 Milano (ITALIA)

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