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annuncio di workshop DARE2004 - Venezia,21-21.09.2004

                    Apologies for multiple posting

**                      International Workshop on                  **
**                                                                 **
**             Data Assimilation and Recursive Estimation          **
**                            (DARE 2004)                          **
**                                                                 **
**               Venice, Italy, September 20-21, 2004              **
**         (Auditorium S. Margehrita, Università Ca' Foscari)      **
**                                                                 **
**                 http://www.dst.unive.it/dare2004                **

Background and motivation

Both the rapid increase in the availability of environmental data
and computer power have prompted the development of methods aimed at
integrating field information and theoretical knowledge,
i.e mathematical and statistical models, in a dynamic framework.
The Recursive Estimation and sequential Data Assimilation techniques
represent valuable tools for improving the accuracy of the estimation
of the system state and for enhancing confidence in model predictions.
The aims of this workshop are: to provide a forum for addressing
the key methodological aspects from different view-points and to
present the results which are being obtained in current applications
of these methods to the relevant environmental case-studies.

Call for papers

The scientific program will include invited lecturers and contributed
paper sessions.
A non-exhaustive list of topics includes:
 - Identification of adaptive models;
 - Application of sequential data assimilation techniques to
   transport reaction models;
 - Assimilation of real-time monitoring data;
 - Data assimilation and uncertainty analysis;
 - Simulation based methods;
 - Environmental modelling application:
   water quality, hydrology, oceanography, ecology, etc.
You are invited to submit an abstract of one page length, following
the templates available in the web site.

Important dates

 - July 10, 2004: abstract submission
 - July 31, 2004: notification of acceptance
 - September 1, 2004: on - line registration
 - September 20-21, 2004: workshop

Scientific Committee

M.B. Beck, University of Georgia, USA
P. Lermusiaux, Harvard University, USA
A. Pastore, Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia, It
R. Pastres, Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia, It
P.C. Young, Lancaster University, UK

Organizing Committee

Stefano Ciavatta
Simone Libralato
Andrea Pastore
Roberto Pastres
(Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia)

Contact persons

 - Roberto Pastres (email: pastres@unive.it)
 - Andrea Pastore (email: pastore@unive.it)

Andrea Pastore
Dipartimento di Statistica
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia

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