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Fwd: Seminario IMQ - 4 dic 2003


Nils Hjort, University of Oslo:

" Model averaging and focussed model selection criteria "

Title: Istituto Metodi Quantitativi - Università L

Istituto Metodi Quantitativi - Università L. Bocconi

Viale Isonzo, 25 - 20135 Milano

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Model averaging and focussed model selection criteria


Nils Hjort

Department of Mathematics, University of Oslo, Norway





giovedì, 4 dicembre 2003 – ore 16.30

Aula IMQ – stanza 137


Abstract .

The traditional use of model selection methods in practice is to proceed as if the final selected model had been chosen in advance, without acknowledging the additional uncertainty introduced by model selection. This often means underreporting of variability and too optimistic confidence intervals.

We build a general large-sample likelihood apparatus in which limiting distributions and risk properties of estimators-post-selection as well as of model average estimators are precisely described, also explicitly taking modelling bias into account.

This allows a drastic reduction of complexity, as competing model averaging schemes may be developed, discussed and compared inside a statistical prototype experiment where only a few crucial quantities matter. In particular we offer a frequentist view on Bayesian model averaging methods and give a link to generalised ridge estimators.


Our work also leads to new model selection criteria. These are "focussed", in the sense that they give different optimal models for different focus parameters -- the best model for understanding the mean structure may not be the best model for understanding the variance structure, for example.