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Annuncio mini-corso Prof. Wegener

Il Professor Wegener dell'Universita' di Dortmund, nel periodo
22/9 - 26/9  2003, terra' presso l'Istituto per le Applicazioni
del Calcolo ''Mauro Picone'', viale del Policlinico 137, Roma 
un mini-corso dal titolo: 
''On the analysis of randomized heuristics for discrete optimization''

22/9  ore 10:00-12:00 
Motivation, aims, and methods
Analyzing evolutionary algorithms on fitness plateaus
The analysis for simple functions (linear functions and leading ones)

23/9  ore 10:00-12:00 
The analysis for monotone polynomials of bounded degree
The analysis of dynamic evolutionary algorithms
The analysis of larger populations and crossover

24/9  ore 10:00-12:00 
Sorting and shortest paths, Minimum spanning trees, Maximum matchings (1)

25/9  ore 10:00-12:00 
Sorting and shortest paths, Minimum spanning trees, Maximum matchings (2)

26/9  ore 10:00-12:00 
Black-box complexity: lower bounds for randomized search heuristics

Per ulteriori informazioni contattare:	
Dr. Giovanni Sebastiani (tel. 06-88470236,   email sebast@iac.rm.cnr.it)