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Common Features in Maastricht - Call for Papers

(Sorry for cross-posting)


Common Features in Maastricht

14-16 December 2003

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Maastricht




Scope and call for papers


Economic series display a vast array of similarities, which can be removed by linearly combining them, and are labeled Common Features. Examples are: common stochastic trends (cointegration), common serial correlation (common cycles), codependence (unsynchronous common cycles), common autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (common ARCH), common structural breaks (co-breaking), common seasonality, etc. These similarities have several implications for economic-series modeling, estimation, testing and forecasting.


From December 14th to 16th, this second edition of a specific conference on common features is an opportunity to have an integrated view in that area, allowing for an interesting exchange with people working in the frontier of several different aspects of this important phenomenon.


The conference will have several invited lectures, contributed and possibly a poster session, with open submission of papers. The idea is to have a minimum number of sessions running concurrently so as to allow for a high-quality discussion between speakers and audience.


The deadline for submitted papers in pdf to cfmaas@ke.unimaas.nl is September 10th. Decision will be taken by the 30th of September.