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Segnalo i seguenti workshops che penso possano essere di interesse.
Renata Rotondi

IFAC worshop on
Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing

IFAC workshop on 
Periodic Control Ssystems


IFAC International Federation of Automatic Control

Cernobbio - Como Italy
August 27-28, 2001

Cernobbio - Como Italy
August 29-31, 2001

At the end of August 2001, two IFAC workshops are planned in the town of 
Cernobbio - Como (Italy). 

The first one is a two days workshop (August 27-28, 2001) devoted to 
periodic time-varying systems, a class of non-stationary systems of large
interest. Besides the stimulating theoretical issues evolving around 
periodic dynamics (Floquet theory, Lyapunov and Riccati methods, lifting,
multi-rate control, repetitive control, LPV), the area is of great impact 
for applications in engineering, physics and science. Among the classical 
fields of application, chemical plant control and helicopter modeling are 
well established; recently, significant applications to aerospace 
engineering (in particular satellite attitude control) came to the stage. 
Periodic models are of large interest also in time series analysis, 
econometrics and finance, and in all cases when a seasonal phenomenon has 
to be modeled. 

Papers covering all theoretical aspects are welcome, as well as 
contributions related to any application area, such as power systems, 
telecommunications, mechanics, robotics, chemistry, civil engineering, 
statistics, biomedical engineering, econometrics and finance. 

While the workshop on "Periodic Control Systems" is the first meeting 
devoted to this subject, the second workshop ("Adaptation and Learning in 
Control and Signal Processing", August 29-31, 2001) is rooted in a long 
standing activity within IFAC. It is the seventh in a series originated in 
San Francisco in 1983, and then continued in Lund (1986), Glasgow (1989), 
Grenoble (1992), Budapest (1995) and Glasgow (1998).  The meeting theme is 
adaptation and learning in engineering, physics and science, with special 
reference to control and signal processing. It is well known that adaptation 
is a natural way to cope with real time changes in the dynamical behavior 
of signals and systems. Recently, the theory of learning has also emerged as
a potential tool to improve knowledge on the dynamics hidden in data.

Organization and sponsorship

The workshops are organized by the Italian National Member Organization of 
IFAC: CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche). 

The IFAC Workshop on "Periodic Control Systems" is sponsored by the IFAC 
Technical Committee on "Linear Systems" and the IFAC Technical Committee on
"Control Design". The IFAC workshop on "Adaptation and Learning in Control 
and Signal Processing" is sponsored by the IFAC Technical Committee on 
"Adaptive Control and Learning" and by the IFAC Technical Committee on 
"Stochastic Systems".  

The support of the Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione of the 
Politecnico di Milano and of the Centro di Cultura Scientifica A. Volta (Como)
is at the basis of the workshops organization. The International Program 
Committee Chairman of both workshops is Professor S. Bittanti (Politecnico di
Milano - bittanti@elet.polimi.it). The National Organizing Committees Chairmen
are Professor P. Colaneri (Politecnico di Milano - colaneri@elet.polimi.it) for
the first workshop and Professor E. Mosca (University of Florence - 
mosca@dsi.UNIFI.IT) for the second one. 

Paper submission 

Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract (4-6 pages)

by  February 1, 2001 for the IFAC Workshop on "Periodic Control Systems". 
Submissions to be sent to Professor P. Colaneri: colaneri@elet.polimi.it

§ by January 15, 2001 for the IFAC Workshop on "Adaptation and Learning in 
Control and Signal Processing". Sumissions to be sent to Professor 
S. M. Savaresi: savaresi@elet.polimi.it

Only electronic submissions (.ps or .pdf file) are accepted. 
Send your file as an attachment with an electronic submission letter.

The extended abstract should include: title, authorship, complete mailing 
address of all authors, fax and email of the corresponding author. The final 
version of all presented papers will be published in the Workshop Proceedings. 
Each paper will be allocated 6 pages. At least one author per paper is 
required to register at the time of the submission of the camera-ready paper.

Workshop location

The two workshops will take place in a magnificent villa, Villa Erba, 
surrounded by an Italian style garden extending to the shore of Lake Como. 

Further information

For the updated programs of the workshops, please consult the web sites;


Renata Rotondi                      reni@iami.mi.cnr.it
CNR IAMI                            tel +39 02 70643210
Via Ampere, 56                      FAX +39 02 70643212
I-20131 Milano (Italy)


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