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Prof. J.J. Denimal


Sono lieto di comunicare che il Prof. Jean-Jacques Denimal, della “Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille”, è mio ospite fino al 30 settembre, con un programma di lavoro concernente lo studio di classificazioni incrociate in analisi dei dati. Egli terrà un seminario dal titolo:

A New Method Combining Factor Analysis and Classification
for Easier Interpretations in Table Analysis

“The analysis of a data table is usually performed through a four-step procedure:
1) Factor Analysis of the table,
2) Hierarchical Classifications of both rows and columns,
3) Interpretation of classifications,
4) Study of the relations between factorial axes and hierarchies nodes.

Even if the dimensions of the table are not too large, both study and synthesis of the results given by the four stages generally represent long-lasting work for the user. In order to ease it, a new method is proposed, combining steps one and two, and making easier the interpretation of both factorial axes and clusters. The method may be presented as a new hierarchical classification of variables, whose nodes are obtained and interpreted from particular Principal Component Analyses. By construction, each analysis provides only two factorial axes, the first describing what is common to the two clusters, merging at the considered node, and the second one showing what is different among them. Therefore, the interpretation of each node can be easily done from the inspection of his associated factorial plane.
As this method belongs to the set of techniques dealing with factorial representations associated to hierarchies, comparisons will be proposed with usual techniques. Finally, as the method can be used with both ordinary tables, crossing objects and variables, and contingency tables (with some adjustments), some applications to tables of both types will be given.“

Il seminario avrà luogo il giorno 28 settembre alle ore 11 nell’aula Picone del Dipartimento di Matematica “Guido Castelnuovo”, nella Città Universitaria.

Chiunque sia interessato è invitato ad intervenire. Per ulteriori informazioni, ci si può mettere in contatto con me

Seminario Denimal.pdf

Prof. Sergio Camiz
Dipartimento di Matematica "Guido Castelnuovo" - Università di Roma "La 
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 2 - I 00185 Roma Italia.
Tel.: +39 06.4470.0988 Fax: +39 06.445.4642
E-mail: <camiz@mat.uniroma1.it>  Web page: 