[Forum SIS] Stats seminar: "Spatial modeling of epidermal nerve fiber patterns", Konstantinos Konstantinou, 12 October

Umberto Picchini umberto.picchini a gmail.com
Sab 9 Ott 2021 09:55:21 CEST

You are welcome to the next Statistics seminar at Dept of Mathematical 
Sciences at Chalmers and Göteborg University.

We are very glad to have, on Tuesday 12  October,​Konstantinos 
Konstantinou (Chalmers/GU) who will talk of his recent paper appearing 
on /Statistics in Medicine/, and further work:

/"Spatial modeling of epidermal nerve fiber patterns"/

*​Abstract *

Peripheral neuropathy is a condition associated with poor nerve 
functionality. Epidermal nerve fiber (ENF) counts per epidermal surface 
are dramatically reduced and the two dimensional spatial structure of 
ENFs tends to become more clustered as neuropathy progresses. Therefore, 
studying the spatial structure of ENFs is essential to fully understand 
the mechanisms that guide those morphological changes. In this paper, we 
compare ENF patterns of healthy controls and subjects suffering from 
mild diabetic neuropathy by using suction skin blister specimens 
obtained from the right foot. Previous analysis of these data has 
focused on the analysis and modelling of the spatial ENF patterns 
consisting of the points where the nerves enter the epidermis, base 
points, and the points where the nerve fibers terminate, end points, 
projected on a two dimensional plane, regarding the patterns as 
realisations of spatial point processes. Here, we include the first 
branching points, the points where the nerve trees branch for the first 
time, and model the three dimensional patterns consisting of these three 
types of points. To analyze the patterns, spatial summary statistics are 
used and a new epidermal active territory (EAT) that measures the volume 
in the epidermis that is covered by the individual nerve fibers is 
constructed. We developed a model for both the two dimensional and the 
three dimensional patterns including the  branching points. Also, 
possible competitive behavior between individual nerves is examined. Our 
results indicate that changes in the ENFs spatial structure can more 
easily be detected in the later parts of the ENFs.

See Konstantinou, K., & Särkkä, A. (2021). Spatial modeling of epidermal 
nerve fiber patterns. /Statistics in Medicine 
*Feel free to spread this announcement in your network.*
*Where*: *room PASCAL and zoom* (physical attendance in Pascal is very 
Password: 682429

*When*: Tuesday 12 October at 14.15-15.15 CEST


*About the speaker*
Johan Larsson****

​Konstantinos Konstantinou is PhD student at the Dept. Mathematical 
Sciences, University of Göteborg and Chalmers University of Technology.
His main research area is spatial statistics. In particular, his 
research is focused on developing spatial and spatio-temporal models for 
complicated clustered point patterns**



Umberto Picchini, Associate Professor, PhD, Docent
https://umbertopicchini.github.io/  , twitter: @uPicchini
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