[Forum SIS] Seminar in Statistics LORENZO ROSASCO

Pierpaolo De Blasi pierpaolo.deblasi a unito.it
Ven 12 Nov 2021 14:24:50 CET


Venerdi 19 Novembre 2021, alle ore 12.00, presso il Collegio Carlo Alberto,
in Piazza Arbarello 8, Torino, si terrā il seguente seminario:


Speaker: *Lorenzo Rosasco *(University of Genova & MIT)

Title: *Interpolation and learning with scale dependent kernels*

We study the learning properties of nonparametric ridge-less least squares.
In particular, we consider the common case of estimators defined by scale
dependent (Matern) kernels, and focus on the role scale and smoothness.
These estimators interpolate the data and the scale can be shown to control
their stability to noise and sampling.  Larger scales, corresponding to
smoother functions, improve stability with respect to sampling. However,
smaller scales, corresponding to more complex functions, improve stability
to noise. We will discuss to which extent these results can explain the
learning curves observed for large overparameterized models.  Our analysis
combines, probabilistic results with analytic techniques from interpolation

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Meeting ID: 829 6794 1062
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Il seminario č organizzato dalla "de Castro" Statistics Initiative


Cordiali saluti,
Pierpaolo De Blasi
University of Torino & Collegio Carlo Alberto

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