[Forum SIS] Seminar: Ilaria Prosdocimi "Statistical models for the detection of changes in peak river flow in the UK", 11 May.

Umberto Picchini umberto.picchini a gmail.com
Ven 7 Maggio 2021 16:47:27 CEST

You are welcome to the next Statistics seminar at Dept of Mathematical 
Sciences at Chalmers and Göteborg University.

We are very glad to have, on Tuesday 11 May, ​Ilaria Prosdocimi 
<https://www.unive.it/data/people/19166744>(University of Venice) who 
will talk on

/*Statistical models for the detection of changes in peak river flow in 
the UK */


password: 880639

When: 14.15-15.15 Swedish time, 11 May.

Feel free to circulate this invitation in your network.

*​Abstract *
Several parts of the United Kingdom have experienced highly damaging 
flooding events in the recent decades, raising doubts on whether methods 
used to assess flood risk, and therefore design flood defences, are "fit 
for purpose". It has also been hypothesized that the high number of 
recent extreme events might be one of the impacts of the (anthropogenic) 
changes in the climate. Indeed, with the increasing evidence of a 
changing climate, there is much interest in investigating the potential 
impacts of these changes on the risks linked to natural hazards such as 
intense rainfall, extreme waves and flooding. This has resulted in 
several studies investigating changes in natural hazard extremes, 
including peak river flow extremes in the UK. This talk will review a 
selection of these studies, discussing some of the pitfalls of 
statistical models typically employed to assess whether any change can 
be detected in peak river flow extremes. Solutions to these pitfalls are 
outlined and discussed. In particular, the consequences of the 
functional forms assumed to describe change in extremes on the ability 
of describing changes in the risk profiles of natural hazards are 

About the speaker
Ilaria Prosdocimi isLecturer in Statistics at Ca' Foscari University of 
Venice (Italy), and previously was Lecturer in Statistics at the 
University of Bath (UK). Her research interests are in the use of 
non-parametric regression models and in the extreme value statistics 
applied to hydrological and environmental problems in general.


Umberto Picchini, Associate Professor, PhD, Docent
https://umbertopicchini.github.io/  , twitter: @uPicchini

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