[Forum SIS] 17 borse di dottorato a Torino

Mauro Gasparini gasparini a calvino.polito.it
Gio 6 Maggio 2021 11:50:30 CEST

Cari membri SIS,

pubblicizzo in calce un considerevole numero di borse di dottorato in 
Matematica Pura e Applicata a Torino (consorzio Politecnico, Università 
e INDAM); di esse, ci si può aspettare che la metà siano di Matematica 
Applicata, che include in primis la Statistica (e Biostatistica e Data 
Tra le borse di statistica, ci sono anche la mia di biostatistica e
quella di Brandimarte e Semeraro, di Finanza Matematica applicata.
Di entrambe allego i programmi.

Cordiali saluti.
Mauro Gasparini


We are glad to inform you that the consortium formed by the University 
of Turin, Politecnico di Torino, INdAM and CIAFM has opened a call for 
17 fully-funded PhD scholarships in Pure and Applied Mathematics.
The text of the call and the instructions to apply are available at: 
http://dottorato.polito.it/en/admission. The deadline for application is 
the 13th of May 2021 at 12:00 (CEST).

The Department of Mathematics of the University of Turin and the 
Department of Mathematical Sciences of Politecnico di Torino jointly 
propose a PhD programme in Pure and Applied Mathematics, which is also 
supported by INdAM (National Institute of Advanced Mathematics) and 
CIAFM. The nominal duration of the PhD programme is three years. The PhD 
programme encompasses all areas of pure and applied Mathematics, 
including Statistics and Data Science.

For the XXXVII cycle of the PhD programme, which is to start on the 1st 
of November 2021, 17 fully-funded PhD scholarships are offered, of which:
     9 scholarships are topic-free: the successful candidates will work 
on any topic in pure and applied Mathematics at their choice. One of 
these 9 topic-free scholarships is funded by INdAM;
     2 scholarships are within the research topics of the Project of 
Excellence of the Department of Mathematical Sciences of Politecnico di 
https://areeweb.polito.it/disma-excellence/scientificProject.html for 
details. We mention that the Department of Mathematical Sciences of 
Politecnico di Torino ranked 2nd in the excellence classification of the 
Departments of Mathematics in Italy for the quinquennial 2018-2022;
     4 scholarships are specifically devoted to the following research 
(i) Multivariate models for option pricing and hedging (Prof. 
Brandimarte, Prof. Semeraro - Politecnico di Torino);
(ii) Analysis and control of epidemics (Prof. Como, Prof. Fagnani - 
Politecnico di Torino);
(iii) Statistics in the therapeutics of the virus: vaccine efficacy, 
clinical trials, surveillance (Prof. Gasparini - Politecnico di Torino); 
(iv) Analysis and control of Moreau's processes and other topics in 
differential inclusions (Prof. Ceragioli, Prof. Recupero - Politecnico 
di Torino);
     2 scholarships are in collaboration with IIT (Italian Institute of 
Technology) and a company (Optimad), respectively, on applied topics.

For further information on the PhD programme in Pure and Applied 
Mathematics in Turin please visit the website
This website is regularly updated by the Doctoral School, though 
sometimes not at the same pace at which new scholarships may become 
available. Therefore make sure to check it frequently so as not to miss 
important updates on new scholarships.

Please, feel free to forward this message to potentially interested 

The coordinator of the PhD programme
Prof. Anna Maria Fino
(University of Turin)

The vice-coordinator of the PhD programme
Prof. Andrea Tosin
(Politecnico di Torino)

Mauro Gasparini
Full Professor of Statistics
Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche
Politecnico di Torino
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24 I-10129 Torino, Italy
tel: +39 011 090 7546
fax: +39 011 090 7599
email: gasparini a calvino.polito.it
www: http://calvino.polito.it/~gasparini/
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8011-4005
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Un allegato non testuale è stato rimosso....
Nome:        Allegato 2-scheda per la borsa a tematica vincolata - Gasparini.pdf
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Descrizione: non disponibile
URL:         <http://www.stat.unipg.it/pipermail/sis/attachments/20210506/edfbd4e6/attachment.pdf>
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Un allegato non testuale è stato rimosso....
Nome:        Allegato 2_BorsaVincolata BrandimarteSemeraro.pdf
Tipo:        application/pdf
Dimensione:  44280 bytes
Descrizione: non disponibile
URL:         <http://www.stat.unipg.it/pipermail/sis/attachments/20210506/edfbd4e6/attachment-0001.pdf>

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