[Forum SIS] StEering Webinar- Kamran PAYNABAR - Georgia Tech

Rossella Berni rossella.berni a unifi.it
Gio 17 Giu 2021 11:34:09 CEST

Dear All,

we are glad to announce the second 2021 *Webinar* under the activities of
the StEering Inter-University Research Center (
https://www.disia.unifi.it/p189.html).  The webinar will be held

at the Department of Statistics Computer Science Applications “G.Parenti” (

and it  will be delivered by *Professor Kamran Paynabar*, H. Milton Stewart
School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Tech.

It will take place on *Tuesday, July 6th, 2021*, timetable *2.30 – 3.30pm*.
Title, abstract and short biography  are attached.

The link to join the webinar will be made available by email on *Monday 5th
July, 2021*. Please feel free to distribute this announcement among your
professional community.

*IMPORTANT:* The webinar is free of charge. We kindly require you to
register by sending an email to centro.steering a disia.unifi.it

with "Registration-Webinar-Prof. Paynabar" in the subject line. Please also
note that the number of participants is limited to a maximum of 100

      Thank you for your kind attention to the above,

                  Best Regards,

                 Rossella Berni

StEering Inter-University Research Center



* Rossella Berni   PhD*
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