[Forum SIS] Fwd: REMINDER - Seminario DiSIA: Diederik Boertien (Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics, Barcelona)

Raffaele Guetto raffaele.guetto a unifi.it
Mer 9 Giu 2021 11:15:21 CEST

DiSIA (Dipartimento di Statistica, Informatica, Applicazioni "G. Parenti")
Università di Firenze


Giovedì 10 Giugno 2021 ore 12.00

*Diederik Boertien *(Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics, Barcelona) terrà il
seguente seminario:

*Same-Sex Marriage, Relationship Dynamics and Well-being among Sexual
Minorities in the UK*

Changing laws and attitudes have reduced obstacles for sexual minorities to
parts of family life including marriage and parenthood. The question arises
to what extent these changes affected the relationship dynamics of sexual
minorities and which obstacles to achieving family-related outcomes remain.
In this presentation, a closer look is taken at the impact of the
legalization of same-sex marriage in the UK (2014). To what extent did
legalizing same-sex marriage have an impact on the relationships of sexual
minorities? Beyond the uptake of marriage, are there any changes in union
formation, separation and partnering? What has the impact been on
relationship satisfaction among same-sex couples? Data from Understanding
Society is used which allows for a longitudinal study of the relationship
dynamics of individuals in same-sex couples, but also includes information
on sexual identity, which allows studying how the relationship dynamics of
single individuals identifying as a sexual minority changed over time.

Seminario proposto da UPS - Population and Society Unit (DiSIA)

Il seminario si terrà online al seguente link: meet.google.com/bmh-anmz-jms

Tutti gli interessati sono cordialmente invitati a partecipare.

*Raffaele Guetto*
*University of Florence - Department of Statistics, Computer Science,
Viale Morgagni, 59 - 50134 Firenze
Tel: +39 055 2751553
Web: https://www.unifi.it/p-doc2-2018-0-A-2d2a342f3b2b-0.html
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