[Forum SIS] 13th Virtual Conference of the Italian Region of the International Biometric Society (IBS) - 20, 24, 29 September 2021

Laura Antolini laura.antolini a unimib.it
Ven 23 Lug 2021 17:46:31 CEST

The Italian Region-IBS is pleased to announce the 13-th biennial scientific
(virtual) meeting, hosted by Universitā Milano-Bicocca (20, 24, 29
September 2021).

An amazing opportunity to discuss the newest statistical methods, to
exchange scientific ideas and to promote collaborations among members
within our region and with other IBS regions, Italian societies and
international initiatives. A special space will be devoted to young
statisticians who will enlighten the meeting with their contributions.

The meeting will include:

* 3 keynote speeches (Richard J. Cook -University of Waterloo, Clelia di
Serio Universitā Vita-Salute San Raffaele Milano, Lorenzo Trippa - Harvard

* 2 invited sessions organized by Italian Region-IBS members, 3 invited
sessions organized by other IBS regions, other Italian societies or
international initiatives,

* 3 contributed sessions dedicated to young researchers (age ≤ 35 years),

* 1 half-day course entitled “Graphical models for categorical data with R“
taught by Prof. Monia Luparelli (Universitā di Firenze), 22 September 2021.

Details on topics, submission procedures, sessions and course are available
at https://ibs-italy.org/?page_id=1349&lang=it

Deadlines: Abstract submission for contributed sessions dedicated to young
researchers (age ≤ 35 years) 01/08/2021, Registration for Conference and
Course 10/09/2021.

For any request feel free to contact ibs-italy a unimib.it
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