[Forum SIS] [EUSN 2021] Early REGISTRATION is open (1-31 July 2021)

Maria Prosperina VITALE mvitale a unisa.it
Gio 8 Lug 2021 11:26:27 CEST


*5th European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN 2021) *

*6-10 September 2021*



 *Early-bird registration – OPEN - 1-31 July 2021*


*Preliminary program will be published soon!*


We have an exciting program with 3 keynotes, around 300 presentations in
oral and poster sessions, and 12 workshops!

*Keynote Speakers*

Jürgen Pfeffer - TU Munich, Germany

Paola Tubaro – CNRS Paris, France

Beate Volker - Utrecht University, Netherlands

*Oral presentations*

Oral presentations are allocated 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for discussion.


Posters will be exhibited during a virtual poster session.


Workshops will be offered on 6  and 10 September.


The Organizing Committee programmed a competition for the *Best
Presentation* (YoungARS session) and *Best Poster*.

*Contact Information*

Conference Secretariat: infoeusn2021 a unina.it

Administrative Manager: info a mcmcongressi.it
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