[Forum SIS] PhD studentship in biostatistics - University of Paris

Silvia Metelli silvia.metelli a parisdescartes.fr
Gio 28 Gen 2021 09:00:15 CET

A PhD opportunity is available at the INSERM Centre of Research in Statistics and Epidemiology (CRESS), University of Paris, to work on the development of innovative statistical methodology for dynamic treatment regimes and personalized medicine.

The position is part of an international doctoral programme offered by the University of Paris. The programme includes the opportunity for a secondment period to be spent at Ghent University, Department of Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics.

We are looking for a highly motivated PhD candidate with a sound background in statistics and interests at the intersection of statistics, computer science, and health research. The post offers excellent opportunities to work in an international and multidisciplinary environment.

Project details >>> https://cress-umr1153.fr/index.php/2021/01/25/phd-studentship-in-biostatistics-at-university-of-paris/

Supervisors: Dr. Silvia Metelli (UParis), Prof. Raphaël Porcher (UParis, Prairie), and Prof. Els Goetghebeur (UGent)

Eligibility criteria: The student must not have resided in France for more than 12 months.

Education: Master degree in (bio)-statistics or applied mathematics

Starting from: September 2021

Deadline: 15 February 2021

Application documents:

- CV

- Short motivation letter

- Two letters of recommendation or names and email contacts of two referees

All documents should be in English. Please send your application to silvia.metelli a parisdescartes.fr

Informal enquiries and questions about the position are very welcome and should also be sent to silvia.metelli a parisdescartes.fr or raphael.porcher a aphp.fr.

https://cress-umr1153.fr/index.php/2021/01/25/phd-studentship-in-biostatistics-at-university-of-paris/	https://cress-umr1153.fr/index.php/2021/01/25/phd-studentship-in-biostatistics-at-university-of-paris/	[PhD studentship in biostatistics at University of Paris
PhD studentship in biostatistics at University of ParisA PhD opportunity is available within the team METHODS of the Centre of Research in Statistics and Epidemiology (CRESS), , INSERM, to work on the development of innovative statistical methodology to inform personalized treatment choices in chronic diseases. The position is part of an international doctoral](https://cress-umr1153.fr/index.php/2021/01/25/phd-studentship-in-biostatistics-at-university-of-paris/)	https://cress-umr1153.fr/index.php/2021/01/25/phd-studentship-in-biostatistics-at-university-of-paris/
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