[Forum SIS] 19/2, ore 16: ISBIS Webinar su A statistician reads the news

Fabrizio Ruggeri fabrizio a mi.imati.cnr.it
Gio 18 Feb 2021 23:48:39 CET

Nell'ambito della serie di webinar organizzati da ISBIS (International
Sociaty for Business and Industrial Statistics) su "Leading Women in
Business and Statistics", il 19 Febbraio alle 16 parlera' Bonnie Ray, 
Chartbeat, USA su:

A statistician reads the news: Statistics and data science challenges 
in content analytics

Understanding reader engagement with digital content is critical for 
driving editorial decisions and revenue strategies.  In this talk, I'll 
discuss some of the computing and statistical challenges faced at Chartbeat,
a content analytics company that works with publishers in over 70 countries 
measuring over 60B pageviews per month. In particular, I'll discuss 
approaches to providing automated insights on trends and unusual spikes 
in engagement, attribution of reader events to content engagement, and 
grouping of news articles into meaningful topics. I'll end by reviewing 
some of the top stories of 2021 based on reader engagement.

Il link per registrarsi e' 


Cordiali saluti

Fabrizio Ruggeri
Presidente ISBIS
Fabrizio Ruggeri                    fabrizio AT mi.imati.cnr.it
CNR IMATI                           tel +39 0223699532
Via Bassini 15                      fax +39 0223699538
I-20133 Milano (Italy)              www.mi.imati.cnr.it/fabrizio

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