[Forum SIS] Posizioni di dottorato aperte all'Università di Oslo

Riccardo De Bin debin a math.uio.no
Mar 9 Feb 2021 09:57:31 CET


  segnalo varie posizioni di dottorato aperte all'Università di Oslo (Dipartimento di Matematica, sezione di Statistica e Data Science):

One position with a strong focus on machine learning. The project will be in the emerging field of computational causal inference, and the focus will be on developing methods for inferring causal relationships from data using the framework of probabilistic graphical models. Seehttps://www.jobbnorge.no/en/available-jobs/job/200015/phd-research-fellow-in-statistics-with-a-focus-on-machine-learning

One position in statistics with no specific constraints on topics, but some potential  projects can be found athttps://www.mn.uio.no/math/english/about/vacancies/documents/a-selection-of-topics-for-phd-projects-spring-2021.html. Seehttps://www.jobbnorge.no/en/available-jobs/job/200023/phd-research-fellow-in-mechanics-or-statistics.

One position in statistics within BigInsighthttps://www.biginsight.no<https://www.biginsight.no/>  with a focus on dependence modelling and copula methodology. Seehttps://www.jobbnorge.no/en/available-jobs/job/200031/phd-research-fellowship-in-statistics

Several position within CompSci, a Doctoral Programme within computational and data science launched and managed by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The programme will recruit in total 32 PhDs, several within statistics and machine learning. Topics for the first call are*Statistical learning methods for chemistry applications*  (https://www.mn.uio.no/compsci/english/projects/mathematics/statistical-learning.html) and Utilizing covariate information in recommender systems. Seehttps://www.jobbnorge.no/en/available-jobs/job/193610/compsci-call-1-marie-sklodowska-curie-phd-fellowships-in-natural-sciences-16-positions.

Contact information: Geir Storvik, emailgeirs a math.uio.no

Riccardo De Bin

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