[Forum SIS] post-doc positions call for interest

Giovanni Sebastiani giovanni.sebastiani a uniroma1.it
Sab 10 Apr 2021 16:07:14 CEST

The Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo "Mauro Picone" belonging to
National Research Council of Italy seeks expressions of interest for two
positions of three years starting in September 2021.

The post-docs will be involved full time in the interdisciplinary EU
project "WARIFA". The WARIFA primary goal is to define a general
personalised early
risk assessment tool that will be used to support individual preventive
measures for
noncommunicable diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic
diseases and diabetes, the leading causes of death in the world. This
system will be
accessible for individual citizens and patients on their smartphone via the
The WARIFA project represents expertise within AI technology, applied
statistics, medicine, sociology.

We are looking for candidates with strong research expertise in applied
and statistics, especially in mathematical foundations of machine learning,
inference and bayesian belief networks and advanced stochastic simulation

There are no teaching duties.

The positions will be formally advertised during the next months.
In the meantime, those interested can send a mail to g.sebastiani at iac.cnr.it

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