[Forum SIS] Reminder: webinar di Andrés Felipe Barrientos

Bernardo Nipoti bernardo.nipoti a gmail.com
Mer 25 Nov 2020 08:06:00 CET

Ricordo, per chiunque fosse interessato, il webinar di oggi alle 17:00.

Speaker:* Andrés Felipe Barrientos*, Florida State University, United States

Titolo: A Bayesian decision-theoretic approach to uncertain ranks and
orderings: Ranking players and lineups.

Data: *Mercoledì 25 Novembre, ore 17:00*

Per l'accesso al seminario usare questo link:



The webinar is part of the series of *DEMS Statistics Webinars*
organized by the Department of Economics, Management and Statistics
(DEMS) of the University of Milano - Bicocca. More details can be
found here <https://dems.unimib.it/it/argomento-eventi/seminars/dems-seminars>.
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