[Forum SIS] 1st Virtual Symposium on Directional Statistics - Dedicated to Kanti Mardia and Celebrating His 85th Birthday - on November 9th.

Giovanni Camillo PORZIO porzio a unicas.it
Mer 4 Nov 2020 16:59:14 CET

Ricevo e condivido, sperando di fare cosa gradita.

Giovanni Porzio
Dip. Economia e Giurisprudenza
Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale

---------- Forwarded message ---------
Von: Florian Pfaff <pfaff a kit.edu>
Date: Di., 3. Nov. 2020 um 16:13 Uhr
Subject: VSDS: All Relevant Information
To: <vsds a lists.kit.edu>

Dear researchers,

2020 has been a tough year for many people around the world and I truly
hope you and your relatives and friends are all safe and well. Even in
absence of any personal losses, 2020 has been tough for us as researchers
since science thrives and prospers in presence of personal exchange with
other researchers. Even without considering any laws, it was reasonable and
responsible to not hold any large conferences in person this year. To
protect those who are vulnerable. To protect our valued and cherished
relatives and everybody else who could be endangered by the spread of the

However, science cannot stop and we cannot surrender to the virus. When we
wanted to hold a small seminar earlier this year, just with the group of
Christophe Ley and ours, we first postponed it - before finally
transitioning to holding it online. Since everything worked well, we
planned a follow-up seminar. But then, we started thinking "x would also
have something to say on that" and "y would also want to hear about that".
After asking around, more and more people stating their interest in
joining, and thus, the idea of the Virtual Symposium on Directional
Statistics (VSDS) was born. While meeting in person would be really great,
the community working on directional statistics cannot wait for the next
ADISTA that can be held offline. And the celebration of Kanti Mardia's 85th
anniversary should not have to wait until he is 87 ;-).

*That is why we will be having the 1st Virtual Symposium on Directional
Statistics - Dedicated to Kanti Mardia and Celebrating His 85th Birthday -
on November 9th*. Since we announced the date earlier, I hope you have
marked it in your calendar already. The symposium begins with an opening
session at 9:30 am Central European Time (8:30 am in the UK). Afterward, we
will hear Kanti Mardia on "Reflections on Directional Statistics". Then, we
will be given talks by and have discussions with Thomas Hamelryck,
Christophe Ley, Ahmad Salim Al-Sibahi, and Kailai Li in the morning
session. After the lunch break, we will hear Paula Saavedra-Nieves, Najmeh
Nakhaei Rad, and myself (Florian Pfaff). At the end, we have allocated some
time that everybody can use to find potential topics for future
collaborations. Groups can form that can keep in touch and carry on further
exchange, either directly or via subgroup meetings ("VSDSx"). Finally, we
plan to talk about the future of VSDS.

*The full schedule of the VSDS, including the times, is available on
https://rebrand.ly/vsds-schedule <https://rebrand.ly/vsds-schedule>*. The
entire symposium* will be held on zoom, you can join via
https://rebrand.ly/vsds-zoom <https://rebrand.ly/vsds-zoom>*. We also have
a website <https://isas.iar.kit.edu/vsds.php> and the mailing list
vsds a lists.kit.edu, Regardless of whether you are joining as a speaker or
regular participant, do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

I believe I speak in the name of everybody who was at the initial seminar
that we are looking forward to an exciting day full of interesting talks
and discussions and we thank all of you for joining us at VSDS!

Florian Pfaff
Christophe Ley
Kailai Li
Uwe D. Hanebeck
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics
Intelligent Sensor-Actuator-Systems Laboratory (ISAS)
(Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe D. Hanebeck)

Dr.-Ing. Florian Pfaff
Adenauerring 2, Building 50.20, Room 130, 76131 Karlsruhe

pfaff a kit.edu      https://isas.iar.kit.edu
Tel: +49 721 608-48831            Fax: +49 721 608-45340

KIT – University of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg and National Research
Center of the Helmholtz Association

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics
Intelligent Sensor-Actuator-Systems Laboratory (ISAS)
(Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe D. Hanebeck)

Dr.-Ing. Florian Pfaff
Adenauerring 2, Building 50.20, Room 130, 76131 Karlsruhe

pfaff a kit.edu      https://isas.iar.kit.edu
Tel: +49 721 608-48831            Fax: +49 721 608-45340

KIT – University of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg and National Research
Center of the Helmholtz Association
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