[Forum SIS] New FENStatS magazine: Science Statistics & Society

Corrado Crocetta c.crocetta a unifg.it
Mar 23 Giu 2020 14:05:59 CEST

Call for papers

The new FENStatS e-journal Science Statistics & Society is now ready to
start its activities.  The journal wishes to offer an international forum
to promote the Statistical Sciences, with the specific aims to foster
statistical literacy and to discuss relevant topics for the development of
Statistical Sciences, by using a modern and simple style. Thus, we kindly
invite you to submit up-to-date high-quality research results in all areas
related to Statistics, Social Science and Demography, Economic Statistics,
Data Science and AI.

Papers on all the topics related to Statistics, Social Science and
Demography, Economic Statistics, Official Statistics, Education, Health,
Social sciences, Data Science and AI are invited. All papers will follow a
referee process by the editorial board. We will only accept papers that
meet our quality and style standards.


The journal track submission deadline is midnight AoE (Anywhere on Earth),
July 30, 2020.

*Submission and Publication*

To submit this track, authors must send a word o pdf paper of maximum 5000
character spaces included to:

sciencestatisticsandsociety a gmail.com


For inquiries relating to the Journal Track please contact the Editor
Corrado Crocetta, corrado.crocetta a gmail.com

Waiting to receive your contribution

June 23, 2020

Corrado Crocetta

Editor of Science Statistics & Society
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