[Forum SIS] webinar to present the ENBA PhD track

Irene Crimaldi irene.crimaldi a imtlucca.it
Lun 15 Giu 2020 10:05:48 CEST

Dear all,

we have scheduled a webinar to present the ENBA PhD track to potential
candidates for the next doctoral cycle at IMT School for Advanced Studies

The webinar is scheduled on Tuesday 23/06  from 11.00 am to 12.30 am.

The webinar is organized as follows:

Short Introduction - Massimo Riccaboni 5 m
Economics - Ennio Bilancini 15 m
Networks - Guido Caldarelli 15 m
Business - Alessia Patuelli 15 m
Analytics - Falco Bargagli Stoffi 15 m
Q&A - 25 min max

This is the link:


All the best,

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