[Forum SIS] ONLINE CONFERENCE - DSSV2020 - Data Science, Statistics and Visualisation 2020 - IASC - SAMSI

Carlo Cavicchia carlo.cavicchia a uniroma1.it
Ven 3 Lug 2020 17:18:17 CEST

Dear all,

We would like to inform and invite you all to attend the conference “*Data
Science, Statistics and Visualisation 2020*”.

*DSSV2020* is a virtual conference promoted by *IASC* and *SAMSI* on *July
29-31, 2020*.

The conference, virtually held through Whova, aims at bringing together
researchers and practitioners interested in the interplay of statistics,
computer science, and visualization, and to build bridges between these
fields. We shall create a forum to discuss recent progress and emerging
ideas in these adjacent disciplines and encourage informal contacts and
discussions among all its participants. The conference highlights
contributions to practical applications, and in particular those which are
linking and integrating these subject areas. Presentations will be oriented
towards a very wide scientific audience and will cover topics such as
machine learning, the visualization of data, big data infrastructures and
analytics, interactive learning, advanced computing, and other important

Please visit our website for the details (http://dssv2020.iasc-isi.org).

Here you can find the registration page (

We encourage conference participants to become IASC members on their
website (

We look forward to welcoming you at DSSV2020!


Carlo Cavicchia,
On behalf of the DSSV2020 Organising Committee


dr. Carlo Cavicchia

Assistant Professor
Econometric Institute
Erasmus School of Economics
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Room ET-02, P.O. Box 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Tel. +31 010 4081253

e-mail: cavicchia a ese.eur.nl




*Il tuo 5 diventa 1000 - *Fai crescere la tua universitą - Dona il 5 per 
mille alla Sapienza
Codice fiscale: *80209930587*


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