[Forum SIS] Research positions @Masaryk University, Brno

Marco Stefanucci marco.stefanucci a uniroma1.it
Ven 17 Gen 2020 10:27:59 CET


segnalo posizioni di ricerca in matematica e statistica presso la Masaryk
University di Brno. Seguono dettagli.

*Call for research positions at the Department of Mathematics and
Statistics, Masaryk University*

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Masaryk University invites
applications for  research positions commencing during the year 2020 at the
date depending on mutual agreement.
The positions are initially for one or two years with a possibility of
extension. One of the positions is within a more challenging/demanding
project, see the additional conditions at
https://www.muni.cz/en/about-us/careers/vacancies/52631 .

Applications will be considered in the areas of *Mathematical Analysis,
Algebra, Geometry, Numerical Mathematics* and *Statistics*.
The candidates must be recent PhD's and should submit a letter of
application accompanied by a CV, list of publications and an outline of
their research project to Jan Slovák ( slovak a muni.cz <mkolar a math.muni.cz>
) *not later than  February 29, 2020*.
They should also arrange for at least 2 letters of recommendation (one can
be from a Czech mathematician) to be mailed directly to slovak a muni.cz
<mkolar a math.muni.cz> before  February 29, 2020.
*The successful applicants will be notified as soon as possible but not
later than March 31, 2019.*

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