[Forum SIS] Seminario DiSIA: Todd D. Little (Texas Tech University)

Raffaele Guetto raffaele.guetto a unifi.it
Ven 10 Gen 2020 09:40:05 CET

DiSIA (Dipartimento di Statistica, Informatica, Applicazioni "G. 
Università di Firenze


Mercoledì 15 Gennaio 2020 ore 14.30

Todd D. Little (Texas Tech University) terrà il seguente seminario:

Modern Modeling: Guidelines for Best Practice and Useful Innovations

In this talk, I will highlight an approach to modeling interventions 
that puts a premium on avoiding Type II error. It relies on latent 
variable structural equation modeling using multiple groups and other 
innovations in SEM modeling. These innovations along with modern 
principled approaches to modeling allows effect evaluations of 
intervention effects. I will highlight the advantages as well as discuss 
potential pitfalls.

Docenti referenti: Leonardo Grilli e Carla Rampichini

Il seminario si terrà presso l'aula 32 del DiSIA, Viale Morgagni 59, 
50134 Firenze.

Tutti gli interessati sono cordialmente invitati a partecipare.

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