[Forum SIS] CONFERENCE: European R users meeting 2020 - abstract deadline: January 29

serena.signorelli.87 a gmail.com serena.signorelli.87 a gmail.com
Mar 7 Gen 2020 19:31:20 CET

Dear colleague,


The third European R users meeting conference, eRum2020, will be held in
Milano (IT) on 27-30 May 2020. eRum is a biennial conference that brings the
R users' community of Europe together, providing a platform to exchange
experiences, broaden knowledge of R and create new collaborations.


We invite submission of abstracts for the following types of contributed
sessions: workshops, regular talks, lightning talks, shiny demos and
posters. Detailed information on how to submit an abstract can be found at
https://sessionize.com/erum2020. The DEADLINE for submissions is JANUARY 29,


Further information on eRum2020's organizing committee, program committee,
deadlines, venues, sponsors and contact information can be found at


We look forward to receiving your submissions and to meeting you in Milan!


eRum2020 organizing committee


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