[Forum SIS] Reminder: webinar di Guillaume Kon Kam King

Bernardo Nipoti bernardo.nipoti a gmail.com
Mer 9 Dic 2020 08:45:00 CET

Ricordo, per chiunque fosse interessato, il webinar di oggi alle 13:00.

Speaker: Guillaume Kon Kam King
<https://sites.google.com/site/guillaumekonkamking>, Université
Paris-Saclay, INRAE, France

Titolo: Exact inference for a class of non-linear hidden Markov models on
general state spaces

Data: Mercoledì 9 Dicembre 2020, h 13.00 (CET).

Per l'accesso al seminario usare questo link:



The webinar is part of the series of DEMS Statistics Webinars
organized by the Department of Economics, Management and Statistics
(DEMS) of the University of Milano - Bicocca. More details can be
found here:

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