[Forum SIS] Fwd: Tenure track openings at UBC Stats

Federico Camerlenghi federico.camerlenghi a unimib.it
Dom 22 Set 2019 18:54:08 CEST

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Da: Trevor Campbell <trevor a stat.ubc.ca>
Subject: Tenure track openings at UBC Stats
To: Federico Camerlenghi <federico.camerlenghi a unimib.it>

The Department of Statistics at the University of British Columbia,
Vancouver is currently inviting applications (deadline: October 18, 2019)
for two tenure-track positions at the rank of Assistant Professor. The
official advertisement, along with instructions on how to apply, are
provided at the following link:


The Department of Statistics is a leading international centre for
statistical science. Faculty members excel in both theory and methods
research as well as collaborative research with domain-area experts. The
faculty’s current research areas include statistical genomics, machine
learning, computational statistics, Bayesian methods, spatio-temporal
modelling, ecological statistics, robust methods, biostatistics,
statistical finance, multivariate dependence and extremes, computer
experiments, nonparametric and functional data analysis, network models,
mixture models, and empirical likelihood methods. The Department hosts a
vibrant graduate program as well as growing undergraduate programs and,
with the Department of Computer Science, co-offers a Master of Data
Science. Recent initiatives position the Department as an emerging hub for
innovation in statistical education. The Department is also home to the
Applied Statistics and Data Science Group (ASDa), which supports research
and graduate-level training inside and outside the department. The
Department is heavily engaged in UBC data science opportunities. In
addition to co-offering the Master of Data Science and offering a new first
year Data Science course (DSCI 100), the Department is actively involved in
the Faculty of Science’s research-focused Data Science Institute, which
brings together a critical mass of Data Science researchers at UBC.

Federico Camerlenghi
Department of Economics, Management and Statistics
University of Milano Bicocca, Milano, Italy.
web-page: https://www.unimib.it/federico-camerlenghi
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