[Forum SIS] Next StaTalk event @ UniTs (November, 22nd, 2019)

Saverio Ranciati saverio.ranciati2 a unibo.it
Mer 11 Set 2019 14:32:45 CEST

The next StaTalk is coming!
It will be hosted in Trieste on Friday, November 22th, organized by the Department of Economics, Business, Mathematics and Statistics "Bruno de Finetti". The website of the event is online at the following link:


StaTalk is a one-day, no-fee event format promoted by y-SIS, the
young chapter of the Italian Statistical Society. During the day,
young researchers, undergraduates students, and young insurance
employers will present their ongoing research in distinct fields of
statistical learning: clustering, Bayesian inference, epidemiology,
biostatistics, network analysis, actuarial methods, sentiment analysis, and sport.

With this event, we would like to create connections between young researchers coming from the 'two cultures', Statistics and Machine Learning respectively, since neither is the "The Dark Side of the Moon".

• Feel free to join us, registering with your name and affiliation in
the "Registration" section of the website above within October, 20th, 2019.

• For any information, contact Leonardo Egidi (post-doc researcher at UniTs), writing an email to legidi(at)units.it.

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