[Forum SIS] REMIND -Workshop on Educational Poverty: Definitions, Measures and Mapping - Pisa November 4-5, 2019.

Direzione Centro ASESD Camilo Dagum direzione a centrodagum.it
Mar 15 Ott 2019 09:37:51 CEST

Dear All,

we remind you the lunch-to-lunch workshop on Educational Poverty: Definitions, Measures and Mapping will be held in Pisa (Department of Economics and Management of the University of Pisa, Aula Convegni Polo Piagge) on November 4-5, 2019.

Inclusive and equitable education and the promotion of lifelong learning opportunities for all are important targets in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Deprivation in education, read also as deprivation of opportunities and rights i.e. health, culture, participation, social relations, referred to as Educational Poverty (EP), has attracted interest of researchers, which highlighted its complexities and consequences, such as being excluded from acquiring the skills needed to live in a world characterized by knowledge-based economy, rapidity and innovation. 

Among others, keynote speakers will be Ricci Roberto (Invalsi) and Raffaella Milano (Save the Children).
This lunch-to-lunch workshop aims to bring together scholars who focus their research on inequalities and education from a qualitative and quantitative points of view. We welcome presentations that examine innovative methodologies and/or applications in the field of inequalities, educational poverty and educational economics.
From an empirical point of view, we welcome papers that focus on lack of education and its measures, literacy, digital skills, and their mapping. disadvantaged groups and educational economics.
From the perspective of statistical methods, this workshop seeks to explore the use of multidimensional and composite indicators, latent variables and modelling, survey methods, survey data analysis and small area estimation to study educational issues on children and young adults.

 Submit your contribution by sending an abstract (max 300 words) or full paper before October 20, 2019 to gaia.bertarelli a ec.unipi.it.  You will be notified of the acceptance on October 23, 2019.Participation to the Workshop is free, but the places are limited. Please, confirm your partecipation by sending an e-mail to  to gaia.bertarelli a ec.unipi.it before October, 25, 2019.

The workshop is co-funded by the BIHO funds of the University of Pisa in collaboration with Save the Children Italia.
Direzione Centro ASESD Camilo Dagum

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