[Forum SIS] FW: Fwd: [ISI-IASS] Officer Elections Results

FRANCESCO MARIA CHELLI f.chelli a staff.univpm.it
Lun 18 Nov 2019 12:06:45 CET

Care Colleghe e Cari Colleghi,
                                                        a nome della Società Italiana di Economia Demografia e Statistica e mio personale, esprimo vivissime congratulazioni al Presidente della Società Italiana di Statistica Monica Pratesi, recentemente eletta Presidente dell’International Association of Survey Statisticians (IASS).

L’elezione della prof.ssa Monica Pratesi premia il suo contributo incisivo nella ricerca ed è motivo di vanto per la Statistica Italiana.

Cordiali saluti,

Francesco M. Chelli (Presidente SIEDS)

Da: <sis-bounces a stat.unipg.it> per conto di Monica Pratesi <monica.pratesi a unipi.it>
Data: venerdì 15 novembre 2019 17:28
A: "sis a stat.unipg.it" <sis a stat.unipg.it>, Donatella Vicari <donatella.vicari a uniroma1.it>
Oggetto: [Forum SIS] Fwd: [ISI-IASS] Officer Elections Results

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Il giorno 15 nov 2019, alle ore 00:59, International Statistical Institute <0000000370c33678-dmarc-request a listserv.cbs.nl<mailto:0000000370c33678-dmarc-request a listserv.cbs.nl>> ha scritto:

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Dear IASS members,

We now have the results of the elections for new officers. We elected a new President-Elect and four new Vice-Presidents. The election process was open to all IASS members. As the election was initiated after the WSC 2019, the term of office will start on 15 November 2019.

On the closing date of 30 October 2019, a total of 116 out of 376 members cast their votes, which amounts to a response rate of 30.9 %.

The votes were counted by Gerrit J. Stemerdink, an ISI Elected Member and a volunteer at the ISI Permanent Office. They were checked by Jelke Bethlehem, Professor Emeritus of Statistical Methodology and long-time ISI Elected Member. The results are as follows.

Elected for President-Elect 2019-2021: Monica Pratesi

Elected for Vice-President 2019-2021:
James Chipperfield, Isabel Molina, Nadia Lkhoulf and Lucia Pereira Barroso

Congratulations to new elected officers and many thanks to all candidates who agreed to stand for election and to serve IASS if chosen for office.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the Nominations Committee, Daniella Cocchi (Chair), Christine Bycroft, David Haziza, Veronica Beritich, Paul Smith and Jairo Arrow, for their work and great contribution to the IASS.

Also, I would like to thank Peter Lynn as former IASS President and IASS Vice-Presidents, Cynthia Clark, Anders Holmberg, Risto Lehtonen and Jean Opsomer, who kindly agreed to keep their roles as VPs until the election process is completed.

Looking forward to work together for the IASS,
With my very best wishes,

Denise Silva
IASS President, 2019-2021

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