[Forum SIS] Avviso di Seminario

Brunero Liseo brunero.liseo a uniroma1.it
Mer 22 Maggio 2019 14:59:32 CEST

Presso il Dipartimento MEMOTEF, Sapienza Universitą di Roma, nell'ambito
delle attività del dottorato in Modelli per l’Economia e la Finanza, il
giorno 29 maggio alle ore 14.30, presso la sala Master del 5° piano,
facoltą di Economia, la prof. Rebecca C. Steorts, Duke University,
Department of Statistical Science terrą un seminario dal titolo

*Analyzing Human Rights Abuses using Bayesian Entity Resolution*

Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare. Segue abstract in calce.

Brunero Liseo

Accurate statistics on human rights abuses are essential for supporting
evidence-based policy, measuring progress and raising awareness in the
general public. However, producing these statistics is challenging due to
data quality issues. The data is often spread across multiple files
collected by different organizations, and it is typically noisy, incomplete
and prone to duplication. In this talk, I will discuss unsupervised
Bayesian entity resolution models, which are able to identify duplicate
records in the data, while quantifying uncertainty. I will highlight the
importance of choosing flexible priors and in implementing scalable
inference algorithms. I will present preliminary results on synthetic data
and a data set containing death records from the Salvadoran Civil War.

This is joint work with Bihan Zhuang (Duke University), Neil Marchant, and
Ben Rubinstein (University of Melbourne)


Brunero Liseo
*Dip. di metodi e modelli per il territorio, l'economia e la finanza *
*Sapienza Universitą di Roma*

*Viale Castro Laurenziano, 9 Roma I-00161 *Tel. +39 06 49766973
Fax +39 06 4957606

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