[Forum SIS] DAMOCLES Training School on Statistical Modelling of Compound Events (23.9.-4.10.19)

Fabrizio Durante fabrizio.durante a unisalento.it
Lun 13 Maggio 2019 19:09:06 CEST

The 1st DAMOCLES Training School will take place at Lake Como School
of Advanced Studies <https://lakecomoschool.org> from 23.9.-4.10.19.

It will be devoted to *Statistical Modelling of Compound Events*.

The school will consist of a combination of lectures and group work on
predefined projects related to compound events.

More information is available here

PhD students and early postdocs (up to 2 years after PhD) are welcomed to
apply. Please send a motivation letter (1 page),

CV, the preference for the student project (1st, 2nd, 3rd choice, see
website for project descriptions)

and at least one reference (e.g. PhD advisor) as single pdf file to
trainingschool.damocles a climate.unibe.ch.

The deadline for applications is *10 June 2019*.

COST Action DAMOCLES: http://damocles.compoundevents.org


Fabrizio Durante

Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Economia

Centro Ecotekne Pal. C

S.P. 6, Lecce - Monteroni


Phone: +39 0832 29 8672

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