[Forum SIS] Seminario DiSIA: Rosa Gini

Raffaele Guetto raffaele.guetto a unifi.it
Gio 2 Maggio 2019 18:48:05 CEST

DiSIA (Dipartimento di Statistica, Informatica, Applicazioni "G.
Universitā di Firenze


8 Maggio 2019 ore 14.00

ROSA GINI (Agenzia Regionale di Sanitā della Toscana) terrā il seguente

Incorporating information and assumptions to estimate validity of case
identification in healthcare databases and to address bias from
measurement error in observational studies: a research plan to support
the ConcePTION project 

Observational studies based on healthcare databases have become
increasingly common. While methods to address confounding have been
tailored to the nature of this data, methods to address bias from
measurement error are less developed. However, it is acknowledged that
study variables are not measured exactly in databases, since data is
collected for purposes other than research, and the variables are
measured based on recorded information only. Estimating indices of
validity of a measurement, such as sensitivity, specificity, positive
and negative predictive value, is commonly recommended, but rarely
accomplished. In this talk we introduce a methodology of measuring
variables, called component strategy, that has the potential of
addressing this problem when multiple sources of data are available. We
illustrate the examples of a chronic disease (type 2 diabetes), an acute
disease (acute myocardial infarction) and an infectious disease
(pertussis) measured in multiple European databases and we describe the
effect of different measurements. We introduce some formulas that allow
to analytically obtain some validity indices based on other validity
indices and on observed frequencies. We sketch a research plan based on
this strategy that aims at understanding when partial information on
validity can be exploited to provide a full picture of measurement
error, at quantifying the dependence on assumptions, at measuring
associated uncertainty, and at addressing bias produced by quantified
measurement error. We introduce the ConcePTION project, a 5-year project
funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative, that aims at building an
ecosystem for better monitoring safety of medicines use in pregnancy and
breastfeeding, based on procedures and tools to transform existing data
into actionable evidence, resulting in better and timely information.
The aim of the talk is to discuss the research plan and foster a
collaboration, that may profit, in particular, the ConcePTION project. 

Referente: Leonardo Grilli

Il seminario sarā tenuto presso l'aula 32 del DiSIA, Viale Morgagni 59,
50134 Firenze.

Tutti gli interessati sono cordialmente invitati a partecipare. 
_University of Florence - Department of Statistics, Computer Science,
Viale Morgagni, 59 - 50134 Firenze
Tel: +39 055 2751553
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