[Forum SIS] Student grants - International Total Survey Error Workshop (ITSEW2019)

Annamaria Bianchi annamaria.bianchi a unibg.it
Ven 15 Mar 2019 11:11:55 CET

--Apologies for cross posting--

Dear Colleagues,

the International Total Survey Error Workshop (ITSEW2019), which will be
held on 10-12 June at the University of Bergamo, has an open call for
applications for student grants for participation at the workshop.

To apply for the grant, please send an abstract for paper presentation and
a recent copy of your CV to the organizers of the workshop (
itsew2019 a unibg.it <itsew2017 a iab.de>) by *March 25th*. Students will be
notified about the outcome of their application by April 15.

Further information and updates are available at https://dsaemq.unibg.it/it

On behalf of the Organizing Committee
Annamaria Bianchi and Silvia Biffignandi


Annamaria Bianchi

Department of Management, Economics and Quantitative Methods

Via dei Caniana 2, Bergamo

Email: annamaria.bianchi a unibg.it

Silvia Biffignandi

Department of Management, Economics and Quantitative Methods

Via dei Caniana 2, Bergamo

Email: silvia.biffignandi a unibg.it
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