[Forum SIS] Bayesian demography course, Como, June 24-28

Grazia Pittau grazia.pittau a uniroma1.it
Mer 6 Mar 2019 16:27:30 CET

Dear all,
Adrian E. Raftery and Hana Ševčíková will be giving a short course on
Bayesian Demography on Lake Como in Northern Italy, June 24-28, 2019. The
course outline and programme are available at
http://www.mi.imati.cnr.it/conferences/abs19/index.html, where one can also

We will be covering core concepts of demography and Bayesian statistics. We
will then discuss Bayesian methods for population estimation and
projection, some of which have been developed in our group and are now
being used by the UN for their official population projections for all

Best regards,
M. Grazia Pittau

M. Grazia Pittau, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Statistical Science
Sapienza University of Rome
P.le Aldo Moro, 5

grazia at stat.columbia.edu
grazia.pittau at uniroma1.it
Phone: +39 06 49910782
Fax:   +39 06 4959241
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